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今年是金狗旺旺年,以狗狗為主角的系列繪本很多,如:大紅狗 Clifford、美聲狗Groovy Joe、小白狗Noodles 外,Aaron Blabey的Pig the Pug 系列更是受歡迎!Aaron Blabey 是澳洲著名的童書作家,他的作品如:Thelma the Unicorn, I need a hug 都是很有棒的童書,而他的Pig the Pug 系列,更是風行全球!之前我們就讀過巴哥犬 Pig the Pug 我們都知道Pig the Pug 是隻很沒禮貌又貪心的狗,他不願意和別人分享任何東西,不管是他的食物或玩具,他完全不肯和他人分享,就算是他的室友臘腸狗Trevor搖尾乞憐的希望他分享,他還是不為所動,但最後,就在Pig專心炫耀之際,悲劇發生了…,他的那堆戰利品玩具撐不住他的重量,他就從他身後的窗戶掉到樓下… 全身被繃帶包緊緊的Pig 終於必須和Trevor一起共享玩具了。
今天我們來讀Pig the Pug 系列另一本Pig the Winner,Pig 這次又會捅什麼簍子呢?Pig 狗性不改: Pig was a Pug. And I’s sorry to say, if he didn’t come first it would ruin his day. 他可是不容易被挑戰打敗,原因是Believe it or not, he was quite hard to beat. And the reason was simple…Yes, Pig was a cheat. 如果他真的輸了呢?But if he DID lose, he’d throw a pink fit. He’d cry and he’d cry and he just wouldn’t quit.
Classroom Activity
- Pig loves to win. He is mean.
- Trevor loves to help. He is is patient. Etc…
Home Activity
媽媽和孩子討論有關以下議題 : being a good sport and a good winner.
繪本:Pig the Winner
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